Blogging again...
Sorry never post for the past few days... Brother having Os so not able to use computer as usual... haha... err the past few days many things happen but too many to type so i think i will just ignore typing all that happened the past few days...
Went Haw Par Villa... Long time never go ler... forget lots of things... cause went they when i was very young... didn't know how to appreciate history... LOL... err kk walk around with a small group of 6( Kiwi, Ming Jie, Davina, Likuang, Lihui and Me).. Later went to Vivo... everyone all walk in pool cept me cause i was wearing the wrong attire... (shoes and long pants)... but i cold in morning what so no choice mahs... anyways.. I didn't felt bored.. gave me time to daydream... hahahas :D.. Walk around for dont know how many hours... later went back home...
On the bus... met a few f Davina and Lihui's old schoolmates... err they were saboing some friends of theirs... Cause of some reasons.. Don't want to say.. very bad against that person... I also don't even know who.. haha.. Later drop at bus stop change bus went home... Then starting enjoying using computer back...
Reply to tags:(sorry took so long)
bennie: lol it's not lame... think gonna use it in future... haha
JIAMEI: ehh... i don't know his blog at all... how i tell him lol.. unless i meet him personally in school lor... lol.
jocelyn: knew you did... lol... i link ler...
likuang: haha okay... link ler...
sheryl: haha... blogging is not boring... a way of expressing your thoughts... ermm k i know what to buy for your birthday cake... LOL
LIHUI: err... I know ** doesn't want and i believe her that she is having probs... but then i cannot TA HAN!!! lol...
Xinyi: okay... you are linked!
Didn't know you also ignored your friends on the phone... Haiz... Nvm.. Maybe you had your reasons to do that... I won't take that to heart... Btw you really have good primary school friends... I really am scared of them...
Labels: Haw Par Villa
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