Hi folks... 1 week has past and I've decided to post on my adventures at outward bound singapore...

Bottom: Hairul, TaufikMiddle:Halimah, Jelyn, Erin, Hui Ming, Cui Fang, Farah, JillBehind: Me, Zhi Wei, Hidayat, AlexMissing: Kirby, Yew Liang, Sharizan, Ming Loon
Day 1
First took a boat to Palau Ubin where we gather and place all our stuff in the store room. Everyone was cold and I had to be the most weirdo among all to walk around like an idiot shaking everyone's hand and introducing myself... Later our instructor introduce herself as Cindy( While acturally her name's Jill)... Then we did a few simple ice breaking games and then a bit of abselling... Rest later nothing much... Slept with Yew Liang, Kirby and Alex...
Day 2
Woke up 5.45am... Damn tired cannot sleep... All the Malays scolding each other vulgarities.... Damn irritating... Then later we did the big challenge of Abselling... The 20m high Rock. No one wants to be first and in the end I had to be the siao 1 again.... Quite fun lah but very boring go down so slowly.... Later did hiking... Boring cause I always did hiking since young so now very easy for me... Hate people complaining the weight.... Everyone is also carrying the 20+kg bag okay?? Faster walk, Lesser talk, Lesser Problems.... Finally reach Campsite 1 rest then later took life vest prepare for practice of kayak... Want to take photos of the practice for report... Then accidentally the camera fall into sea water... Sea water goes inside ziplog bag... Camera corroded with batteries... Even the memory card is spoilt...(Haiz don't want to talk about it)... Then later practice rescuing people if they capsized from their kayaks... Paired with Kirby... Quite fun doing a capsized=) Later at night got Team Camp meeting... our group was in Camp 2 Alpha... We were with Tenzing, Releigh and Nila Utama(3 other groups)... Then they wanted 2 leaders from each group to be Sea Expedition leaders ( Sea Ex leaders ) for a 2 days 1 night Expedition to Sembawang and back again to campsite 2... As usual, no one wants to go... In the end all arrow me go, so i became one of the leaders... Eugene Goh end up the same fate as me and both of us are once again doing planning works again... Slept in the forrest... couldn't sleep...
Day 3
Woke up at 5.30 am... Even more tired than ever... Came out of the forrest and started doing packing for the Sea expedition... Zhi wei( one of my group members also leader ) led the P.T in the morning to stretch the muscles to kayak... Pulled out all the kayaks and left for the journey at 8 in the morning.... I did Navigation with Eugene Goh( At least we both leaders got right to sit together =) ) then we took the front and led everyone to Sembawang. Halfway through, the back people keep slowing down then we have to wait everytime... Then wait that time people tell us to push on cause the sea waves are pulling us back and we have to paddle to the same spot again.... Hence we decided to just move on and let everyone chase after us instead we wait for them at a spot so as to take advantage of the time.... But then we paddle quite too fast that the behind wasn't able to compete up to us... Instructors scolded us and we felt both insulted as everyone blame us for delaying the journey and at the same time felt that it wasn't entirely our fault but the back person, the sweepers, fault for not pushing the back faster... Besides that, they didn't pass the messages pass between the back and the front properly so why it is only our fault then?But we didn't argue back, but ask for a change of roles... We became sweepers while the sweepers became navigators( Btw, Sweepers are back kayaks while Navigators are the front kayaks... Starboard Marker is right and Port Marker is left) So we waited for everyone to paddle in front of us then we started paddling.... Then we realise the problem while it was so slow... They were a few people with fractured hands and muscle cramps.... Hence we called the instructors and brought them on board their speed boat.... By the time we finish helping all these people... We were very far from the whole group. Me and Eugene sped forward till we reach the group... Everyone blame us again for delaying the group again -_-.... Super ****... Reach Sembawang at 4... Our targeted time was 5pm... so it was a good "rush"... Set up tents... Had another planning and lights out... This time Yew liang and Kirby Ps me and I slept alone....
Day 4
Woke up 5.45 am... Super tired then ever... Packed all our stuffs again and set all the kayaks... Rushing for time once again.... Set off at 7am... Targeted time to reach campsite 2 and put up all the kayaks: 2pm.... Sweepers we are again Eugene and me... Boring Journey back though... Had to keep our spirits alive by doing all sorts of stupid things we could think of... Flying fishes were cool and the rainbow in the river was the most beautiful thing I ever seen... Reach shore and store all the kayaks by 1+pm.... Everyone delighted that we did a good job... Rest of the day did nothing much but play a points game... Everyone cheated but I kept my honesty and just took 1 at a time...( There were cards that we were suppose to pick 1 at a time and place it at a basket with our group's name) Vulgarities started flying out from my group's mouth and I totally hated it... I hated my group because mostly everyone in the group all scold each other and remarked each other.... Although it seems like a joke... I don't think their lives are always a joke as they do that almost all the time... Got really damn irritated.... Then there was someone there like "Ryan"... Irritated me more.... Only 1 or 2 or 3 people down there I felt okay to be with... damn sianz... Later in the night got night walk... not scary at all... then later got a tunnel we have to crawl through... Not exciting but very dark and Very nice to catch some sleep... Haha =) Cook dinner with solid fuel and Jill made Apple crumble for us... Taste damn good... Kirby and Yew Liang PS me again... Slept with Pioneer sec people... Scold vulgarities all the night... Too tired to listen and fall asleep...
Day 5
Finally, last day... I wanna go home and lie on my comfortable bed and not sleeping with people who wouldn't rest and just keep complaining the night... The night is to enjoy and not to joke around my dear friends.... Anyways we clear up whatever we have to then we receive cert from Jill... Exchange contacts with each other then small debrief in our group... For the first time... My group mates volunteer to do everything first... Kinda Very happy at last.... Then we needed to say 3 thanks 2 sorrys' and 1 improvement:
3 Thanks
To Alex: thanks for sleeping with me very good company
To Zhi wei: Thanks for planning alot and alot of commitment for the sea trip(cause i am damn sianz of doing it)
To Erin: I said personal reason and they all went mad.... Hello?? Personal doesn't mean BGR lahs... Anyway we are both from the same class and same section of course we will be close wat... but I didn't even plan to be with her though.... Anyway I thank her for receiving all my complains about our group from me....
2 Sorrys:
To Jelyn: Everytime scold me whenever I do something small to you... Say all the 'na bei na bei', ' ji bai ji bai'.... So I just say sorry to you lor( not very sincere though acturally cause i don't even know whatever i did was so wrong you have to say that)
To Ming Loon: Lol this one I say sorry cause he really like "Ryan" that I want to box him on the face and tell him to stop acting like a stupid drama king...
1 improvement:
"I Must Learn how to adapt to new enviroments and the way everyone around me behave before giving the right commands or comments to them"
How difficult can this be to me i realise after when we reach ashore and we went to Jurong East To eat KFC... Ermm I won't elaborate on this....
Yeah after that we had a big debrief and said our "byes" to Pioneer sec(small group), Reagent Sec(Malay gangsters) and New Town Sec(Chinese gangsters)... We were the last to reach Singapore Punggol Jetty and we took Mrt back to JE....( as stated above we ate)... Then went home....

ME AND HIDAYAT(P.T.I of Reagent Sec)
Woke up 7.30 got abit sick so go back to sleep and later 8.30 woke up and went for band... Everything was a bit of rush for me suddenly... Haiz Lincoln... You are back to reality and not in a course... Pick up your bustling life again ASAP man... Ensomble in 3 weeks man... Percussion you all better practice cause I won't be able to come on some days... So jia yoes man... don't make me push your man... I'm not your Mama who nags and nags.... I am just an average teenager who just wants to help this section to the best they can and feel proud of them being able to be better than their own section leader....

Went to church... Talking about love and sufferings.... How they help you in your life and puts you in the right path of god... Really made me open up my mind to my surroundings more and realise what good things I really had in my busy big life.... It's not to late to regret though... I still have time to change things around and make things better for myself... So I hope that one day I will be able to my life turn into a life where I will remember every single thing I did from the time I wake up till the second before I sleep...
Anyway I just realise my church friend, Farrel, is my past best friend of my buddy, Wei ping... Cool man... Really this is a small world... Although it looks big in the outside, it isn't in the inside... The same theory goes with time... It might seems that there is all the time we have in the world for us, but in truth time passes in a blink of an eye and you cannot control it...

Later My family went to Corpthrone Kings Hotel eat buffet with my other relatives(father's side)... Saw my aunt... She totally change alot with the fake wig and stuff she wore.... Ate till my hearts content and stomach pain XD.... At the same time, realise how popular my brother was at the restaurant... ( He worked as a waiter at there before and the manager, supervisor and all the high post people recognized him ) I found that my brother has been able to socialise with people as easy as ABC... It doesn't seems difficult but for some people it seems quite hard... For me, I don't know how to socialise with girls and with people whom I really don't like to.... But I'm very good with people older than me and with guests and at presenting...
Everybody has different qualities that helps them and yet some which kills them... If they are able to live without the bad qualities, it will help clear their minds of the small problems that occurs in their lives. If it is so important, it could be chaos to them. Use your good qualities to succeed in life and you will enjoy your life.reply to tags:pervyandrew: Hi andrew, nice to see you too :).. Do you have a blog??
Xinhui: thanks for tagging :)... Erm okay i'll try if i have the time...
Nicholas: Haha... yah hor... never thought of that... Future need to setup National Trim and Fit Organization then..(NTAFO)..(anagrams: NO TAF)
butterfly'minni': That means my life is so long and boring that you have to read a long time... lol.. jkjk...
sheryl: yah probably... I love being a low profiler... I hate attracting people's attention...
Mevis: Okay you are linked
Gonna go to sleep... Good night... adios my friends =)
Dear god, I thank you for all the things you have help through this week. I thank you for all the beautiful things you have shown me and made me understand. Through your works i hope i will understand you more and learn more from you rather than to ask you to help me in my own path and guide me to the path of happiness... At the same time, I wish you will be able to help me get rid of her outta my mind because she is driving me crazy and I can't forget her. Why must everytime the things she does are almost common to me?? Did you want to show me a message or did you want to put me to a test? If it is, I hope I will go through it with flying colours and carry on my task of fufilling my own dreams you have given me... Amen..Labels: Church, OBS
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