Holidays.... 1st week of 4th term
Class 3E5(not complete though)
Went back school for remedial... As I went for OBS, I had to do my test that i ''owe'' to Mrs Ko... So went there early in the morning... left at 12pm for lunch at KFC and went to Java training with Mr Faizal... Quite a normal school day even if it is a "holiday''..
Woke up early yet again to go for some Maths Indain global international school competition... The paper was so damn easy, but easy paper means everyone will score in the paper and every mark will be very precious... in the end really never get into the finals. Then the finals the school people really.... "good" except for Raffles Institution.. they are "freaks".... so Smart.... Learn nothing much there though... Just one thing: "See Raffles in a subject competition, your chances of winning is going to be 1% or lower....".... (Same time I realise why people laugh alot at Indians in the way they speak... They really do shake their heads alot).. Later emo at home.... end of story...
Went to school again for training on Java... Damn tiring man... I will never take programming again if I can... But fun if I know how to solve it. Finally we have manage to finish 1 program among the 20+ programs we have to practice.... -_-.... Later went out with Eugene and Fong May to meet OBS friends( I don't know most of them cept the Yuhua gang)... Got to make more friends and it was "kinda fun" for me... Later I had to go and practice bass at jammin' studio... Can play Hysteria!! But can't play properly cause finger damn pain like crazy... It's difficult okay.
Just one word describe this day: BAND
(Look at Friday)
Went to church... was too tired so I didn't know what they were talking about... Later after that had like a talk with my dad for like... 2-3hrs? So long talk about band.... What I plan to do... Then later I did my homework and prepared for school...
Back in school... Wasn't use to Mr Ooi's question already, Mrs Ko's nagging, Mr Tan's demands, and Miss Cheong's "CHIONGNESS".... Waa how horrible it is to adapt to it again... But I have no choice... I must make the change because I know they won't make the change... Bio was a torture... later Java... more torture...
Today less torture... very happy... But so many Maths lesson and nagging.... Lols I find Mrs Ko very funny ever since I came back... Maybe I am not used to her nagging yet... Anyway later after school went Nicholas' House do School Magazine thing... then went home change and straight to Jurong East for English Tuition.... Learn very "Bombastic" words.... But it was okay...
Today Miss Straaten didn't come.... In the end the same thing happens... Mrs Ko turns up with a smile on her face... awww... Our only day no maths becomes MAths again.... Maths Maths Maths.... Although I love maths, She is making me sick of it by her nagging.... argh can't take it... Went home complain to my dad cause he say I not planning my time.... Then he say "This is your own beliefs, do not blame others for the problems.... You must on your own change your thinking".... Waa damn headache... If it's my believes, why almost the whole class is thinking Mrs Ko is very pushy?... Haiz... Went Band too btw...
English and P.E teacher never come... The Mrs Ko came hungering for these free lessons.... scolded us for "stolen" batteries and blame my whole class for that 4 batteries.... she say... "1 battery cost $1... 1 pack cost about $10 and I have to go to the shop and pay for it cause the class fund doesn't have"... Everyone kanna stun... Then later I say very loud sacarstically "Mrs Ko, don't need to worry about buying... You give me the $10 I go buy 1 pack of batteries for you"... Whole class started laughing(now understand why i find her funny?)... Told Relief teacher not to let mrs ko take the lesson... She wasn't able to come up also so in the end have 4 free periods =).... Java Training again.... later went jammin'... never really played properly cause very tired... Now blogging....
oh yeah... Hema say Yuting post on her blog her name very large... What I call large is this large.
KK.. gotta go... need to catch up with studies... the next time I'll blog will probably be after the exams or during my birthday...
Before I go, Reply to tags:
JERLYN: Haha yeah I am back... Miss me lots right? haha... Ehh why never prepare N levels? Still got time read my blog ar?
guoyin: haha okay i hit back when i have the time k? And you too have the best lucks from me for your exams
Jerlyn: Yeah someone has a similar name to you.... K I'll link you up... link me too k?
ms straaten: yeah i feel good haha... thx =)
sheryl: don't worry, everyone will always feel weird at some time... I think you paid attention to me at the point of time when i was weird so... yeah... So please next time don't call people weird k?
Brian: Hi =)... Link me up will ya? K I will try to tame her.... haha.. link you up
*****: I hope you are minnie... are you?
butterfly: I thought your name is spelt minnie? Or you want to be called butterfly?? Who ask you give outdated link... I also don't know your link...
Finally my prayers(I started this not because friends doing it.... It's cause my teacher says is good for me and I find it true so I started doing it):
Dear god, I know my life will always have ups and downs. When there's sadness, I feel like I am wasting my time being sorrowful... When I am happy, I feel like I am using too much time making myself contended... If you are putting me to the test please be fair I hope, because I, myself, am driving myself too crazy and I don't think I am the Lincoln or Solomon you created... Please, make my life a better life after all is gone... Amen.
Labels: Class party, Holidays
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